April 02, 2020
I would like to start off by saying thank you. Your overwhelming response to our initiative during these most uncertain times has been heartwarming and my team and I have enjoyed reading through your supportive messages. We are all wavering through this unprecedented time, trying to make sense of what we are hearing and acting accordingly. We are all in this together.
Over the past few days our team has worked endless hours modifying our mask pattern to be the best possible product we can produce. Much like with our equine products, our research and development team has been relentless in their pursuit of 'perfection'. Great progress has been made and we are thrilled that our masks now include a pocket where a filter can be inserted.
Yesterday we saw our first batch of donations go out the door. It was bittersweet, to say the least. While we know that our mission to provide support to our community is being fulfilled, our thoughts remain with those fighting this battle- both infected and on the front line.
EquiFit is proud to announce our first 450 mask donations have left our warehouse. One recipient of donations includes Boston based Dr. Leslie Fang of the Fang Foundation. Dr. Fang has been instrumental in providing us feedback and guidance throughout this process. "Fang Foundation is very grateful to EquiFit for the donation of masks to make healthcare providers on the front line feel appreciated for all that they do for us. The masks will be going to nurses, residents, fellow physicians and ancillary help. These are intended for their private use in public since their jobs mandate that they commute. They are particularly relevant as there is increasing awareness of the need for masks in public. Since these are not the masks they would use in the hospital, they do not compete for the medically needed masks. Equally important, the hospital would not have to provide them with additional masks for their time outside the hospital."
While we continue to produce masks for donations, our staff is very busy producing our customer orders as well. The addition of the pocket for a filter has put us back a day or two in getting our orders fulfilled, but based on the great feedback we received from you all, felt it was important to take the time to make the modification. Orders are being in put as fast as we can possibly get them in, and will begin shipping in the next day or so.
Again, thank you all for the continued support and your good health will continue to be in our thoughts.